Improper Board Meeting Notification

Improper Board Meeting Notification

Posted by LouieAcosta on Wed Jan 25 2023
Based on information that has just been brought to my attention, according to the Groves Bylaws, Article 3.5:

Notice of Members Meetings: Not less than ten (10) nor more than fifty (50) days before the date of any annual or special meeting of the Members, either the secretary or any other officer of the Association shall cause written notice stating the place, date and time of the meeting (and, in the case of a special meeting, the items on the agenda, including, but not limited to, the general nature of any proposed amendment to the Declaration, Articles or Bylaws, any budget changes and any proposal to remove a director or officer) to be hand-delivered or sent prepaid by United States mail to the last known mailing address of each Member, as shown in the Association records, or to the mailing address of such Member's Lot). If mailed, such notice shall be deemed to be delivered when mailed. Business transacted at any special meeting of Members shall be limited to the items stated in the notice unless determined otherwise by a unanimous vote of the Members present at such meeting.

Since there is a requirement that homeowners be hand-delivered or mailed to the mailing address of each homeowner, the meeting agenda, 10-50 days before the meeting date, the current Board has allegedly violated the Bylaws. Therefore, the actions that were taken at the November 1, 2022, virtual meeting, where the 2023 Budget and corresponding Assessment increases were approved, were done at a meeting that was not properly noticed per the Groves Bylaws and Arizona State Revised Statute 33-1804 Section B.

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